City Manager Joins UNA Feb 2025 Meeting

We Are Just Getting Started Sign

Join City Manager Mike Futrell and Deputy Public Works Director Nathan Mustafa for a discussion about creating the neighborhood of our dreams. Add your input to the topic list:

University Neighborhood Feb 2025 Meeting Discussion Topics

Public Safety

  • Fire Protection
  • Wildfire maps
  • Homeowners Insurance is problematic in our neighborhood.
  • Status of the fire departments grant to expand awareness of fireproofing residences.
  • Mt. Vernon properties illegally clearing vegetation
  • Consider a city-wide ban on discing. Each time it generates more fuel after spring rains.
  • RTRP – Reconsideration to underground
  • Freshen the reflective paint stripes along Watkins Dr from the Freeway to Mt. Vernon.

UCR Lawsuits

  • Status of the City’s
  • UNA lost their suit over some of the same issues as the City.


  • Donkeys as a public safety issue.
    • Who in the City is accountable for this? Not a normal job posting.
    • What is the status of regional collaboration to address the issue
    • Where do the 311 calls get routed?
    • How many donkey calls for service in the past five years?
  • Traffic Watkins Dr – 215 to Spruce
    • Compare traffic data from UCR’s study showing the need for a lighted intersection at Watkins Dr and Big Springs Rd., to current trends based on camera data from Watkins Big Springs intersection since the lights were hooked up to traffic system.
    • What is the quantity of cars per hour/day/week since camera data available. Some graphs would be helpful.
    • How many days has the camera feed been live?
    • How many big rigs are on camera since camera feed went live?
  • Watkins Dr parking hazard West side Watkins, Blaine to Valencia Hills Dr
    • How often is Watkins Dr from Blane to Valencia hills drive maintained?
    • How many times since parking was removed from the East Side of Watkins, has this stretch been maintained.
  • Street maintenance: how often is Watkins Dr South of Piccacho Drive to the 215-freeway scheduled for maintenance?
    • When was the last time a work order was issued for anything along that section of Watkins Dr.
    • How many over the past 5 years?
  • How many public works service calls for water or sewer line issues in our neighborhood?
    • How many on Watkins Dr?

Placemaking Opportunities

  • Trails
    • Possibility of paving terminus of Two Trees Rd for enhanced parking Two Trees Trailhead
    • Parking along Marlborough for trail access behind Nordstrom warehouse
    • Access to Sugar Loaf trail along Gage Canal South of Citrus
    • Remove parking on Watkins Dr from Blane to Valencia Hills Dr and the neighborhood specific plan can take shape. This provides for dedicated bike lanes in both directions, plus trail connectivity options to the Gage Canal trail, Islander Park and campus. These could be class A lanes with barriers given the traffic volumes we have.
    • Trail signage needed.
    • Bridge, tunnel to reopen access to the Box Springs Reserve and trails.
      • This is an opportunity to attract State or County funding. The entire Metrolink line has a trail easement for the asking. This is alternative transportation funding and can be applied for. Especially since our trail plan includes Moreno Valley. The line goes to Perris and in plans beyond.
  • Blaine & Watkins train crossing medians add planters with succulents, natives
  • Islander Pool is underutilized. What is the annual operational budget for Islander Park?
    • What has been the trend for the past five years?
  • Watkins Dr is the Gateway to the UNA. It leads to campus and points north. It deserves to be treated as such which means a budget to keep it looking attractive, and managed for fire along Coyote Hill, and beautified from Blaine to Spruce along a half mile of chain link fence. Surely we can do better as city of arts and innovation.


Don’t Let Riverside Burn

Time To ACT.   Show up at City Hall
Feb 4 2025 6:15 Public Comment
Don't Let Riverside Burn

Let your voice be heard at City Council this coming Tuesday February 4th in the City Council Chamber next to City Hall.  It is NOT on the agenda, but — come and speak out during public comment at 6:15 pm.  Fill out a speaker card when you arrive.  Just showing up will flex our civic muscle.

You DO NOT NEED TO SPEAK to support those who will speak!  Wear a white or teal shirt and let the City know that residents want to be protected!

Email all councilmembers NOW and include the mayor and clerk, asking the Clerk to make your comment Public Record; emails are below.

This project began over 18 years ago and our Council has refused to consider today’s current conditions. We need a new connection into our city, but if it is with transmission lines, they need to be buried underground. These transmission lines will be placed in a high-fire/high-wind corridor where SCE frequently shuts our power off.

Australia, Paradise, Maui, now the Eaton and Palisades fires. It’s not if, but when. This is an area where we have had many fires this past season…overhead lines are a DISASTER waiting to happen to Riverside!

Insure our future resiliency and maybe get affordable insurance for our homes. Bury the RTRP. Tell everyone. Spread the word. We deserve better from our public servants. Let them know. See you Tuesday.

Councilmembers emails:

Ward 1    

Ward 2     Supports Underground

Ward 3    

Ward 4                       Supports Underground

Ward 5    

Ward 6    

Ward 7                  Supports Underground


Mayor                          Has not stated a position


UNA January 2025 Meeting Agenda

Every 2nd Thursday  6:30 – 8:30

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                         5 min.

2. UCR Update                                                                     5 min.

3. Announcements                                                             5 min.

4. Erin Edwards – Blue Zones                                    20 min.

5. Fortino Morales – Sustainability                         20 min.



UNA November 2024 Meeting Agenda

Every 2nd Thursday  6:30 – 8:30

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                         5 min.

2. UCR Update                                                                   10 min.

3. Council Updates                                                          15 min.

4. Boards Commissions                                                 15 min.

5. Blue Zones  Announcements,                               15 min.

Speaker Suggestions

Inspector General


Watkins Clean Up Love Riverside It Shows

Thanks to the University neighbors, Friends of Riverside’s Hills and students who took walk on Watkins Drive, for Love Riverside’s serve day Saturday, Oct. 12th.

Along the way, they picked up 32 large bags of trash, 2-5 gal. cans of  toxic waste, 1 tire tread, assorted construction waste, and several green cans worth of invasive green waste and other nasty junk that makes us glad we have public works to take it the last mile- to the landfill.

Trash Pick up Results 1 Trash Pickup Results 2 Volunteers picking trash along Watkins Dr West Side Watkins Dr clean up curb pin with now dumping storm drain message

This is why the UNA is the neighborhood of our dreams. Thank you neighbors.


UNA October 2024 Meeting Agenda

Every 2nd Thursday  6:30 – 8:30

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                         5 min.

2. City Public Works Nathan Mustafah             30 min

3. Watkins Dr Clean Up This Saturday                  5 min

Sign Up Here

4. Council Updates                                                          10 min

5.Announcements                                                              5 min

General Plan Advisory Committee Interest Form

Neighbors Better Together Ballot Rebuttal

Sign the Petition to

RTRP Underground or Above Ground Survey .

Neighborhood  Resources

Neighbors Better Together

Do It Yourself Wildfire Protection

Follow Our Courts

US Covid Atlas

General Plan Update – An Opportunity To Weigh In

General Plan Advisory Committee Interest Form

Click the link above to sign up. Read below to review the questions.

Question Title


The City of Riverside is forming a General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) to help craft a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan and a new Climate Action Adaptation Plan (CAAP). The GPAC will consist of a diverse group of Riversiders convened to provide input, feedback, and recommendations to City staff, the technical consultant team, the Planning Commission, and ultimately the City Council on key components of the General Plan.
The GPAC will help inform and articulate the community’s vision for future growth in the City including identifying opportunity areas, refining the City’s land use plans and circulation networks, and developing objectives the City will pursue related to conservation, infrastructure, parks, education, economic development and so much more. Another primary responsibility of the GPAC is to develop the draft goals and policies to implement the vision which will guide the City’s decision-making process up to 2050.
The core function of the GPAC is to represent the interests and values of Riverside community members. The GPAC is tasked with acting as a conduit for community concerns, opinions, attitudes, values, interests, and expectations. GPAC members will be selected to represent a broad range of sectors, interests, institutions and geographies of the City; however, irrespective of their individual viewpoints or preferences, GPAC members seek the benefit of the entire community in their recommendations and work to build consensus between divergent viewpoints for the betterment of Riverside.
Throughout the process the GPAC may be asked to review public input and amplify voices of the community through collaborative discussion. In this role, they will serve as project ambassadors to the community, creating greater community trust and ownership of the General Plan. GPAC ambassadors will help educate the public on the project, create awareness about upcoming events, and obtain additional community input to be shared during GPAC meetings.
To express interest in joining the GPAC, please complete this interest form no later than Friday, September 20th, 2024 at 5 PM. All interested parties will be notified of the committee selections in October. Interested parties who are not selected to serve on the GPAC are encouraged to participate by attending community events, contributing feedback, and sharing the word about opportunities to engage.
If you are experiencing any technical issues completing the form, please contact the Project Team at or text 844-289-8614.

Question Title

* 1. What is your full name?

Question Title

* 2. What is your address? (Business or Residential)

Question Title

* 3. What is your phone number?

Question Title

* 4. What is your email address?

Question Title

* 5. How many years have you lived in the City of Riverside?

Question Title

* 6. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Riverside, including but not limited to contracted services?

Question Title

* 7. GPAC members will be asked to liaise with and represent the priorities, concerns and interests of the broader community, industry or non-profit groups with which they are connected. Please select any of the following General Plan Update areas of interest below that best relates to your subject matter expertise. Multiple selections are allowed.

– Academic or Professional Research and Instruction related to best practices, industry trends, and policy developments.

– Professional Experience as a consultant, agency employee, or non-profit organization, with direct experience related to General Plan subject matter and/or matters specific to the City of Riverside and its stakeholders.

– Experience Serving in an Advisory Role on a committee, commission, board, or forms of advisory groups, especially those that advised government agencies.

Please use this example as guidance on the level of detail to include in your responses:

From 2018-2021 I served on an advisory committee that was tasked with advising the City of Imagination on best practices for community outreach and environmental justice. In my role, I reviewed presentations related to potential environmental justice programs and provided recommendations that helped the City to develop a policy avoiding housing displacement resulting from park expansion. I also served as an outreach ambassador by leading a phone outreach campaign, sending newsletters, and social media content to promote public engagement opportunities.

Question Title

* 8. Please rank the preferences of the following stakeholder groups you want to serve from the top group as your highest preference and the bottom group as your lowest preference.


Question Title

* 9. Do you have prior experience serving on a General Plan Advisory Committee or similar appointed committee, commission task force or other ad-hoc body? (Not required to serve on the Committee)

Question Title

* 10. Please briefly describe why you wish to serve the City of Riverside as a member of the GPAC. Include any special qualifications, community relationships and insights that you think will add value to the GPAC and General Plan update process.

The following questions are all optional and are not required qualifications to serve on the GPAC.

Question Title

11. If you have current or prior civic experience in the City of Riverside, please describe the experience in the text box below. Please include the organization name, your role, and years of membership. Multiple experiences can be included.

Question Title

12. If you have any educational background relevant to the General Plan Update areas of interest, please describe your background in the text box below. Please include the institution name, your area of study, and degree earned. Multiple educational backgrounds can be included.

Question Title

13. If you have owned or currently own a business in Riverside, please describe your business in the text box below. Please include the business name, nature of the business, and the years of operation. Multiple businesses can be included.

By pressing Done, I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that I commit to fulfill my obligations as member of the GPAC including, but not limited to:


  • Represent the broad concerns and priorities of the sector or Ward they represent
  • Act as an ambassador between the project team and their networks
  • Promote the long-term success of the plan and the City
  • Commit to attending all meetings
  • Commit to obtain feedback from networks/sectors and convey to Committee



UNA September 2024 Meeting Agenda

Every 2nd Thursday  6:30 – 8:30

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                         5 min.

2. City Clerk Donesia Gause, MMC   Q&A        40 min.

3. City Innovation & Technology

Chief  Q&A                                                              40 min.

4. Council Updates

5.Announcements Updates:                                      5 min

General Plan Advisory Committee Interest Form

Neighbors Better Together Ballot Rebuttal

Sign the Petition to

RTRP Underground or Above Ground Survey .

Neighborhood  Resources

Neighbors Better Together

Do It Yourself Wildfire Protection

Follow Our Courts

US Covid Atlas


NBT Inspector General Ballot Rebuttal Denied

Neighbors Better Together Group LogoThe united voices of neighborhood groups across the city NBT, Neighbors Better Together wrote a rebuttal to the current ballot language.

The reason this is even on a ballot is because several Charter Review committees have advocated for this over the years. Council adopted the Review Committee’s recommendation, but not as they recommended.

The Charter Review Committee recommended the position be an elected one instead of appointed. The reasons for that are obvious.

Here is what you won’t see on the ballot:

Vote “No” on Measure L.

We Are Just Getting Started Sign

After years of discussing and researching the subject, and at the demands of longtime City watchdogs for greater accountability and transparency, in 2022 Riverside’s appointed Charter Review Committee recommended the creation of an elected (by the public) Inspector General position, with almost exactly the same powers to investigate fraud, waste and abuse as the appointed (by our City Council) position before you today.

Sadly the 2022 City Council, who had made the appointments to the Committee, instead chose to bring before the electorate an appointed position; not unlike Measure E in 2012, which was to create an appointed City Auditor position with once again, almost identical powers.  Measure E was soundly defeated by voters then, like Measure L should be now.

Why?  An appointed Inspector General is not as independent nor directly accountable to the people, rendering their function not just useless, but dangerous in our opinion.  It would provide the illusion of legitimacy, scarcely more effective than the current, and often criticized, practice of having internal auditors that work for our City Manager.  The temptation to whitewash embarrassing, and potentially politically damaging audit findings, would be overwhelming.  Current personalities aside, the fox would be in essence guarding the henhouse.  We deserve better.

Voting “No” on Measure L will allow time for the advocates of an elected Inspector General position to work with the new Council members, installed this year (Falcone, Robillard, Mill), who we think better understand the importance of independent investigation, to bring you a much better ballot measure in early 2026.  We believe they are not afraid of oversight, see the benefits of the public’s ongoing faith in efficient and honest City government, and know that an elected position will ultimately provide a better return on investment for taxpayers.

Please vote “No”.