We’ve had another burglary in our neighborhood, the second that I know of in the last two months. This happened earlier this week during the day. A house on Watkins Dr., near Nisbet, had its front door kicked in.
Police think there were at least two people involved, one as a look out and another who went into the house. This would be speculation as there are no witnesses. Luckily only a few valuables were taken and there was little vandalism. It could have been much worse.
There was a break in on Valencia Hills a few weeks ago. A side garage door was forced open, tools and personal possessions were taken.
Two homes on Quail Rd. were burglarized in daylight as well. Valuables were taken.
Please report to the Police any suspicious activities and certainly any thefts.  The Police who responded to the first break ins, said there were no records of other problems in the area. Either the break ins are going unreported or there is a breakdown in communication between the police and the community.
If thefts are taking place, the Police need to know so they can step up patrols.
Please talk to your neighbors and lets be good eyes and ears for each other.
This post is only going to reach a limited number of our community. Please tell your neighbors in case they are not on the email list.
Pass on the University Neighborhood web site information: