The Wall Street Journal reports on how trucking and rail companies are moving to longer trucks and trains. Even our good neighbor BNSF reports running longer trains to improve efficiencies.Â
Category Archives: City Of Our Dreams
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Freeway Views Less Green, More Interesting
Cal-Trans appears to be finally coming to the conclusion that water thirsty plants making a lush, green view along our freeways is unsustainable. Yet that doesn’t mean the view has to be boring. Read more from the Press Enterprise.
City of Riverside Issues Survey Results
As the five-year Riverside Renaissance enters its final 18 months, the $1.57 billion dollar plan is 80% complete and the City is looking toward the future. Many opportunities exist to further enhance the economic vitality of the City and provide further amenities for our residents. With an eye toward planning for future projects, a phone survey was recently conducted to poll Riverside voters on the performance of the Renaissance Plan, and to solicit input on what future projects might be pursued through a Renaissance – Phase 2.
Movies On Main
Playing The “Is It Healthy?” Game In Riverside
With the completion of the 9th Annual Riverside Neighborhood Partnership Conference, Seizing Our Destiny took on a decidedly neighborhood flavor.
Starting off by acknowledging Ramon Corona as this year’s Jack B.Clark Neighborhood Spirit winner, Ramon along with his neighbors surrounding Lincoln Park were honored for staging a series of events drawing a host of neighbors and successful partnerships with the Marriott and Maxi Foods that served over 450 Thanksgiving dinners.
Food was a theme during the day. From Growcology’s presentation to the door prizes and the great breakfast and lunch served by Cal Baptist, it appears seizing our destiny has a variety of flavors throughout Riverside.
The growing number of farmer’s markets and healthy eating options continue expand. Each first Saturday,Goodwin’s Organic Market hosts a farmer’s market in their parking lot.
Sprouts Market up in Orangecrest is about to celebrate their one year anniversary in Riverside. They’re celebrating by hosting a parking lot 4th of July Bar-B-Que Saturday July 3rd. Summer is shaping up to be a tasty affair indeed.
Cherry tomatoes are threatening to take over my yard. Along with the peppers, Japanese eggplant and zucchinis, we’re going to be testing lots of recipes for Friday afternoon’s happy hours.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday August 3rd. It’s National Neighbohood Night Out.
This is the potluck of potluck’s in our neighborhood and this year we’re kicking it up a notch as Emeril is fond of saying. Stay tuned for details and start thinking about your favorite Summer pot luck recipe to be included in the 2010 University Neighborhood Cookbook.
Playing the “Is It Healthy?” Game is what’s up for Summer. You’re invited to the party of your life! Register and post your comments and recipes.
Perris Valley Line Criticism Lingers After Draft Report
With overwhelming support for the Perris Valley Line,(mostly from communities where no impacts are foreseen), there remain numerous, valid criticisms about the project’s mitigation and safety measures. Read more in the Press Enterprise.
Perris Valley Line EIR Concerns – Talking Points
Talking Points:
PVL Concerns (feel free to add your own objections):
-RCTC needs to provide “quiet zone crossings†at the three street crossings in our neighborhood. Because of the slow speed of the trains (which won’t change due to the grade and curve) it takes as long as fourteen minutes for a train to rumble through the entire neighborhood. Because of the increased number of trains, we need every effort to be made to reduce all noise, and especially horns blowing. These quiet zones need to be paid for by RCTC and not the City of Riverside. This is a RCTC project and they need to pay the cost of mitigating the impacts of their project. Quiet zones should be in addition to sound walls.
-The Kinder-Morgan high pressure fuel line needs to be buried deeper and protected by a concrete barrier.
-RCTC’s claim that the risk of derailment is only once every 124 years is flawed as we have had a couple of derailments in recent memory. Given the dangerous cargo now being transported along this line, it is important that rail line right-of-way be constructed to contain derailments or spills where the rail is elevated above schools (like Hyatt elementary) and residences. A three foot berm or block wall fence is inadequate to contain a 30 ton locomotive.
-RCTC needs to develop with partnering agencies a master emergency plan for derailments and spills. This plan should be reviewed annually with partnering agencies, adjusting for changing cargo risks and operations.
-RCTC needs to develop a plan to address the possible situation of all three crossings being blocked by a parked freight train. We have seen this situation occur before and it is a public safety issue as it blocks Police and Fire from a major portion of our neighborhood.
-RCTC should provide one grade separation into the University Neighborhood.
-RCTC should provide pedestrian crossings for people to get to the county Box Springs Mountain Park. There are long established trails, such as the historic “C†that require access over the rail line. There needs be a safe crossing at key points into the park, such as at the east end of Big Springs Rd. RCTC consultants have stated that the answer is “easy, those people would be trespassing.†We should not have to trespass to access our parks.
-RCTC needs to develop a system to warn pedestrians along the Right Of Way. The rail line bisects a City and County Park, an area long established for hiking. The proposed public education program will not be adequate to ensure public safety.
-Landscaping and hardscapes in our area need to conform to the University Neighborhood Specific Plan, developed by the University Neighborhood, the City of Riverside, UCR and others.
-Sound walls need to be landscaped with clinging vine to discourage graffiti.
-RCTC should provide manned crossing guards for school children.
-RCTC should install air quality monitoring equipment at the two elementary schools to establish pre- and post- project data concerning rail related airborne particulate matter.
-AQMD has the authority to regulate mobile source pollution along publically owned transportation lines like the PVL. RCTC should request help in regulating exhaust from BNSF locomotives to protect residents from particulate matter.
-RCTC should charge BNSF for using this publicly owned rail line. Metrolink has to pay BNSF for their privately owned line; what’s good for one should be good for the other.
-RCTC could collect an impact fee from BNSF that could be used to mitigate future growth of freight traffic. Such a fee could be collected into a fund which could pay to relocate impacted schools at a future date.
-This project should have a stated upper limit for rail traffic, beyond which should trigger additional environmental review. In other words, additional expansion should require additional mitigation.
-In an earlier Environmental Assessment, done with a project description including fewer trains, it identified 111 homes as being impacted. Currently only seven homes are proposed for noise insulation. If 111 homes are impacted, RCTC needs to insulate 111 homes.
– If the purpose is to expand public transportation, we insist that the necessary land needed for this rail project include the Highgrove location. There is an existing Metrolink line from San Bernardino. This would give the public a 100% increase in public transportation options for the same initial project cost.
Here are some links to guide our public comments and written responses. Remember, Monday the 17th at University Extension Room C., 6 pm. Free Parking. This is the last public meeting scheduled for the Perris Valley Metrolink Line.
This is what is proposed for the grade crossings in our neighborhood.
5 Spruce St.,
City of Riverside
MP 2.02
2-No. 8
1. Install 2 (two) standard No. 9 gates and flashing signal devices.
2. Install 72 T.F. concrete grade crossing panel.
3. Fencing along RR ROW from crossing to 100’ from intersection.
4. Install Access Control Gates.
5. Install pedestrian gates and channelization.
1. Revising street to allow for raised medians as feasible. Cannot have 100’
median on west.
2. Per Diagnostic Mtg, we are to replace the existing triangular open top
drainage inlets-outlets adjacent to the curb on both sides of this grade
crossing. To keep the crossing dry, a hydrology study is needed to
determine the “Q†coming from the north to design adequate drain inlets.
There are existing CBs on Spruce. Need to evaluate capacity.
3. Full ped treatments with ped gates on south side since this is a school
route. Prohibit peds on north side of street as no continuous sidewalk.
West Blaine/
Watkins Dr,
City of
MP 2.66
5-No. 9A
1. Install approximately 128 T.F. concrete grade crossing panels.
2. Modify existing medians to SCRRA standard length, width, and height,
which will include relocation of existing gate arms in medians.
3. Install signs/paint on curb ‘No Parking’ on east side of crossing.
4. Maintain existing signal.
5. Fencing along RR ROW from crossing to 100’ from intersection.
6. Install Access Control Gates.
7. Extend west median further east..
8. Install pedestrian channelization and pedestrian gates according to
SCRRA standards. Full pedestrian treatments on both sidewalks with ped
gates due to school route.
Mt. Vernon
City of Riverside
MP 3.41
2-No. 9
1. Install 64 T.F. concrete grade crossing panels.
2. Existing No. 9 gates to remain.
3. Fencing along RR ROW from crossing to 100’ from intersection
4. Install Access Control Gates.
5. Install raised medians at least 100 feet in length (residential driveway
6. Install pedestrian gates (pathway, railings, ped gates) on north side due
to school route.
7. No sidewalk on south side.
8 – C
Poarch Rd,
MP 5.02
1. Recommend closure to regular vehicular traffic.
2. Provide locked entry gates for emergency vehicles only.
3. Fencing along RR ROW for 400’+ both sides of current crossing.
8 – O
Poarch Rd,
1. Opening Poarch Road to vehicular access would require significant
lowering of the finished surface of Watkins Road and the Freeway on
ramp and significant construction of Poarch Road. Since alternate access
is available, this is included in this project. Refer to project memorandum
for further discussion.
The 10 Greenest Buildings of 2010 From American Institute of Architects
Here’s a slide show of 2010’s AIA winners. Nice to know there’s a category and a contest. Maybe we can find out which building in our neighborhood is a winner.
Wood Streets Garden Tour Teach-In
Part of Riverside’s Earth Day celebrations includes an eco garden tour of the some of the Wood Streets best examples of sustainable gardening.
Tips, tools and techniques will be happily shared with all who come by on Sunday, April 25th from 1 to 5 p.m. For more details visit: or call 951-505-0172 or read the rest of the story by Janet Zimmerman of the Press Enterprise.
Lake Hills Elementary Garden Takes Shape
In another example of a home grown bright spot, Lake Hills Elementary School teamed up with the Home Depot and lots of volunteers and delivered much more than a learning experience. Read the full story by Dayna Straehley in the Press Enterprise.