Most Current Talking Points
Coalition of Riverside City Council & Norco to underground High Transmission Lines Norco will spend approximately $300,000 to $500,000 in this effort.
Edison is engaging in a full-court, behind the scenes press distributing misinformation. Facts:
- Project will not cost a “billion dollars”
- Project is not shovel ready
- The project regardless of above or below ground will be spread out over every rate payer in the state – either way will cost approximately $1.00 additional per year. (Cal Strategies: Steve Larson & Hope Christman/CPUC)
- We will be petitioning for the entire length of line: under river, Norco, County, La Sierra (we are correcting the press release)
- No Riverside residents’ rates will go up more then a dollar per year due to this project
- Norco has hired the same attorney and consultant who undergrounded Jurupa Valley and Chino Hills
- Undergrounding in the EIR was deemed the superior way to go but it was not explored.
- In the short term undergrounding disturbs the area but in the long term is better for the environment
- When high transmission lines go up, it impedes the ability for helicopters to drop water on fires – that is exactly what saved Norco during the two large fires on our SW and SE quadrant – without those helicopters Norco would have been in trouble.
- The center of Norco is rated highest for fire danger.
- The river bottom is an urban forest – the EIR downplays the vegetation
- The City of Riverside invested in new helicopters that may not be able to function effectively with smoke obscuring the transmission lines.
- The EIR was completed prior to the devastating Paradise Fire, Norco’s two major fires and Lahaina.
- The Santa Ana winds reach a higher wind speed then the hurricane winds that caused the Lahaina fire.
- Hope Christman, our areas CPUC Rep is creating a fact sheet with additional information
We need a strong response from elected who carry more weight with the CPUC: we need specifically targeted letters to both electeds and CPUC. In the next few days we will be releasing talking points. Below are elected officials to contact and status of their support and our ask: please be respectful.

Senator Alex Padilla (310) 231-4494
Is looking for a way to fund the undergrounding – send letters to encourage.
Congressman Ken Calvert Office (951) 277-0042
He is in full support and is currently working on figuring out the status of the re-alignment of the high transmission lines through the Hidden Valley Nature Preserve. We need a full-support letter.
Congressman Mark Takano (951) 222-0203
Is in full support, is working with Calvert to underground. Need letters of encouragement and strong support letter.
Senator Richard Roth Office (951) 680-6750
Says he is supporting and has sent a rep to all RTRP meetings. Need a stronger letter that excludes the time restriction and claim of no support should rates go up (this is a false narrative being pushed by Edison)
Senator Kelly Seyarto Office (951) 280-1260
Fully in support and onboard: Letters of support and ask to continue are appropriate.
Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes Office (951) 371-6860
Fully supports and is on board – but, as in the case of Senator Roth, we need a stronger letter of absolute support.
Assemblymember Bill Essayli Phone (951) 369-6644
Fully on board and helped bring Riverside and Norco councils together.
First District County Board Supervisor Kevin Jeffries Office (951) 955-1010
Kevin Jeffries told me he was on board and then pulled out stating the process has gone on too long and expressed concerns incorrectly about costs. He seems to believe Edison and the ask is to fully support the fact that Riverside and Norco have formed and alliance and Norco is spending big bucks to do the right thing – he needs to get on board.
Second District County Board Supervisor Karen Spiegel Office (951) 955-1020
She is supportive and was going to agendize for a vote but it seems Edison is strong arming the Supervisors to stay quiet. Need letters encouraging her to support and agendize issue. It will not look good if it is agendized and only she votes yes – those voting no will not look so good.
Third District County Board Supervisor Chuck Washington
Office (951) 955-1030
Has stated to me he supports undergrounding – election year, send letters to encourage full support.
Fourth District County Board Supervisor V. Manuel Perez
district4@rivco.orgOffice (951) 955-1040
Do not know him – send letters to support
Fifth District County Board Supervisor Yxstian Gutierrez
district5@rivco.orgOffice (951) 955-1050
Told me he supports Norco’s position. Send letters to encourage unqualified support.
Riverside City Council
There appears to be a deadline of September 30 – we are working really hard to have our petition in and to have the funding or a chunk in place. Steve and Chuck have done a wonderful job but holding that majority together seems to be tough. Particularly given that staff is little help. Please write each and thank them for support and encourage to do the right thing.
Erin Edwards
Has opposed vocally the coalition – letters encouraging her to support.
Mayor Lock Dawson
On board – thank you.
Clarissa Cervantes
Strongly n board – thank and encourage
Ronaldo Fierro
Strongly on board – say thank you
Chuck Conder
Organized the coalition – say thank you
Gaby Plascencia
Opposes at times – encourage support
Jim Perry
Opposes at times – encourage support
Steve Hemenway
Strongly on board and helping to organize