Community Calendar Events

Save Water!

Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater Class

Space Limited Click Here to Register
(click on below image to download flyer)

Nominations Due June 12  Riverside Land Conservancy Pride of Place Award(click on below image to download nomination form)Riverside Land Conservancy is pleased to announce we have extended the deadline for Pride of Place Award nominations to Friday, June 12 by 5:00pm.  Do you know of someone who deserves recognition for their efforts in protecting open space? If your answer is yes, please nominate them for an award! Visit our website for more information on past awardees and to download a nomination form.

Our 2nd Annual Pride of Place Gala will celebrate our open spaces and the people who inspire their protection on October 15, 2015 at Riverside’s  beautiful Crestmore Manor. We look forward to receiving your award nominations and hopefully celebrating with you all in October!

For any questions or concerns, please contact Rachael at 951-788-0670 or

Homegrown Riverside Recipe Contest

(click on below images to download flyer)

Bicycling Traffic Skills 101

This year Inland Empire Biking Alliance (IEBA) started the Easley Bike Education Fund as a memorial to William Easley, who lost his life when hit by a motorist. The generous donations from friends and family helped us to conclude that IEBA should offer classes that could help all of us be safer while riding in traffic.

SO we are offering Traffic Skills 101 classes in Redlands on May 30 and August 8th. The normal costs for these classes are $50 but we are dipping into the fund to offer a major discount. $35 for non members and $10 for members at the $25 level or higher.

Here are the links to register:

Our Vice President, Robert Neiuber will be conducting the class.

“Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles” – John Forester from the book Effective Cycling.

This is an in-depth, 8 hour course designed to enable people to ride safely and confidently just about anywhere.

The class includes learning how to perform a pre-ride safety check, fix a flat, and make minor mechanical adjustments. Enrollees will review bike related laws and practice bike skills and hazard avoidance maneuvers.

About 3 hours of classroom time and about 5 hours of drills and putting what you have learn into practice.

This class is recommended for adults and youth ages 16 and up. All partiicipants should bring a bikes in good ridable condition with brakes and a helmet.

Only 12 participants per class.

Call Robert at 909-749-4170 if you have any questions.

Give Back!(click on the below images and give to these local, deserving causes – both Daniel and Fox Farm have given tirelessly to make Riverside a more sustainable community)Fox Farm Chicken Coop Daniel’s Life Saving Dog

May is Bike Month – Help Celebrate!Inland Empire Biking Alliance T-Shirt Sale(click below image to order your T-shirt!)

Purchase Your Tickets Now!

Grow Riverside Conference

If you missed the first two “Dinners in the Grove”, don’t fret. The Citrus Circle Dinneron Thursday, June 11 in association with the upcoming GrowRIVERSIDE Conference promises a divine local farm-to-table dining experience. There are still a few tickets left, so grab yours now!

Register here:

The dinner will take place at the Sunkist Center at California Citrus State Historic Park and feature a farm-to-table dining experience from sponsor The Salted Pig featuring food and drinks concocted and cooked up using local Riverside ingredients, including citrus from nearby groves. The dinner will also feature beer from sponsor Wicks Brewing Company and wine from Galleano Winery. There will also be a live band.

The dinner will also feature a keynote address from Robert Egger, the Founder and President of L.A. Kitchen, which recovers fresh fruits and vegetables to fuel a culinary arts job training program for men and women coming out of foster care and older men and women returning from incarceration. L.A. Kitchen is currently holding a pilot program at St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, and will move into its own kitchen facility in 2015.

Register here:

Robert pioneered this model during his 24 year tenure as the President of the DC Central Kitchen, the country’s first “community kitchen”, where food donated by hospitality businesses and farms is used to fuel a nationally recognized culinary arts job training program. Since opening in 1989, the Kitchen (which is a $10 million a year, self-sustaining, social enterprise) has produced over 26 million meals and helped 1,000 men and women gain full time employment.

Seats are limited for the dinner, so register now to reserve your spot for a special night to support GrowRIVERSIDE and celebrate local food and citrus in Riverside.

Summary of Details:

What: Citrus Circle Dinner – A Farm-to-Table Dinner in Association with the GrowRIVERSIDE Conference
When: Thursday, June 11, 2015 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Sunkist Center – 9400 Dufferin Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504
Registration and Tickets:

More Info:

GrowRIVERSIDE Conference Tickets:

More information on the conference:

Green Calendar

Green News

Community Calendar

Senior Awards Nomination Information

The Mayor’s Commission on Aging proudly announces that nominations for its Senior Citizens’ Awards will be open May 1 – May 31.  You may nominate a senior citizen for his/her significant contributions to our City by filling out a nomination form and attaching an essay detailing the person’s civic contributions, then mailing it to the address on the form.  Forms will be available in limited supply at the senior centers and libraries in May, or by accessing the city’s website @ and clicking on the link provided on the Mayor’s page after May 1.  Specific requirements are stated on the form.  The Awards Ceremony will be held on Senior Citizens’ Day, August 21, at City Hall.  More information about the day’s many events will be made available in the coming months.

Community News



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