Just an update on our coalition building after the community forum, we met on July 11, 2013 and discussed our focus of access to alcohol to the underage population of Riverside and our first steps in taking action.
We also worked on development of a coalition name and decided on CHANGE Riverside with a catch phrase of “It starts here”.
We decided our monthly meeting will be the first Wednesday of every month beginning August 7, 2013 @ 6:30 pm at Substance Abuse Administration, 3525 Presley Ave., Riverside Ca, 92507 as to not interfere with work schedules and to also be able to have our youth at the table.
Please mark your calendars and if you are not able to attend please don’t hesitate to send a representative. We also discussed attending the 30th annual National Night Out Kick-off Event being held on August 6, 2013 from 8am to 11am, and may be joined by our friends at FNL. We hope to see as many of you as possible to continue the dialogue of making Riverside a healthier and safer place to live, work and visit. Thanks
For more information, contact Jim Hill, CAS II, NCAC I, Behavioral Health Specialist III
Environmental Prevention Specialist – FNL Program
3525 Presley Ave
Riverside, CA 92507
Office (951) 782-5001
Cell (951) 201-3926
FAX (951) 682-3576
Email JWHill@rcmhd.org