Friends Of Riverside’s Hills Files Perris Valley Line Lawsuit

The American Planning Association Daily Planning News offered a concise statement of the issues as you might expect from a professional organization.

When the impacts of economic growth threaten the health of the community and our  environment, then economic and environmental justice demand a high return on taxpayer dollars.  Professional planners all know this. They also know that politics always plays a role and that’s where the public interest gets left behind. That’s when professionals loose sight of who their professional expertise is supposed to serve. That would be the public.

The RCTC stands ready to defend what will soon become indefensible. They recently settled a lawsuit by the Riverside Unified School District. The District had to sue in order to get obvious mitigation measures.

If our public agencies are forced to sue each other over a project’s  mitigation measures, there is likely something more serious being perpetrated on the public than meets the eye.  Barney Barnett has given us a behind the scenes look at this boon doggle project.

That leaves the University Neighborhood, Sycamore Highlands and parts of Orange Crest to fend for ourselves. The City signed an M.O.U. with the RCTC to get quiet zones for the rest of the City if they agreed not to support any opposition to the Perris Valley Line.

It seems a bit inconsistent for a City proclaiming and celebrating very real achievements in many areas of environmental excellence to  remain silent as city residents are forced to sue to have their environmental rights and quality of life protected.  Read the complaint and suit at:   2011.08.23 Petition for Writ of Mandate

Good public transportation  policy is generally agreed to add value to the ridership. Cost, convenience and comfort are the ridership drivers that keep public transportation operational and profitable.

The Perris Valley line will be comfortable. But cost and convenience are simply not there. That makes it poor public policy.  The environmental impacts are being challenged in the Friend’s lawsuit.

The rest of Riverside will soon be enjoying quiet nights and restful sleep. Our wishes for sweet dreams aside, we will be organizing, fund raising and generally having a grand old time celebrating University Neighborhood Values — even if it’s before a judge.

Pass this around to your friends and neighbors. Urge them to sign up to get updates and opportunities for some mirth and fund raising parities – UNA style.

Other Links:

Highgrove Happenings

Are We Being Railroaded By The Perris Valley Line?

Search Perris Valley Line for related stories.



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