Grow Riverside Community Events

Kick Off at 8.a.m.

Volunteers for trash pick up and weeding sign in and pick up your tools.

We’ve got a mega load of mulch arriving courtesy of Tim at Burrtec Industries.  We’re going to apply it where needed. Nice to see some of what we send them coming back to our gardens.

UNA University Neighborhood News January 18, 2014
You Should Know . . .
Grow Riverside Is Underway.

We have set up a promo code for our loyal readers to receive an additional 20% off the ticket price. Use promo code: GrowRiversideFriend when registering at

Wildlife Is Part of The Neighborhood

(01/10/14) at about 3:30pm, a possible mountain lion or bobcat sighting occurred in the field to the rear of the UCR Materials Science & Engineering Building.  UCPD responded and was unable to locate the animal. According to the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, mountain lions are typically quiet, solitary and usually avoid people.

UNA Working Group Digging Deeper Into Best Practices
Neighbors, City Staff, Students began in depth inquiry. Source material below.

26 in 26:  A Neighbor Designed Neighborhood Plan
Introduction at February UNA Meeting.
What Do You Love About the Neighborhood?
Community Garden Council
There are many exciting initiatives related to gardening on the horizon (one being the GrowRiverside Conference – details below). We look forward to gathering to hear about what is happening with each of the respective gardens/sustainability groups each of you are involved with.

Our monthly meeting was suppose to be happening this upcoming Monday, but it was decided at the last garden council meeting to reschedule since several people are involved in activities to honor Dr. King this Monday. One  of those activities being the 3rd Annual MLK Jr. Day of Service being hosted by Arlanza Community Garden (for more details, please visit:

WHEN:  Monday, February 17 at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: RCC Alumni House located at 3564 Ramona Drive, Riverside 92506
In addition to the typical round table sharing out, FEATURED SPEAKERS at our next meeting will be Harmony Wolf with the Tequesquite Community Garden and Fortino Morales with the UCR Community Garden. They will be discussing their thoughts regarding the possibility of creating a garden coordinator role through Americorps.  Your input will be greatly appreciated.
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the agenda or if you have an event happening before our next meeting that you would like to share with the group.
Jessie Fuller
6:30p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
3431 Mt Vernon Rd
Riverside, CA 92507
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Have An Agenda Topic? Good Idea?

We’d love to hear it! Just reply any time and let me know what topics you’d like to know more about.

World Be Well, Inc., 4108 Watkins Dr, Riverside, CA 92507-4701, USA
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