Meet Your Neighbors Event Cookbook

Baked Feta with Capers, Red Onion, GarlicThe University Neighbors will be hosting the second Meet Your Neighbors Event Saturday, March 1, 2014 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Please don’t feel constrained to shut down at 2 p.m.)

The official list of host sites for this event will be posted shortly. It’s not too late to volunteer to host. Imagine  what it would look and feel like if wherever you looked, up or down your block, you could see the a neighbor hosting? Just a thought. What an appetizer crawl that would be.

We have lots of good cooks in the neighborhood and because of that, we are creating a University Neighborhood Cookbook. We are soliciting any and all of your favorite recipes. We’d like to collect the first 20 or so from the Meet Your Neighbors Event.

Appetizers, deserts or any favorite way you like to celebrate with food, will be appreciated. We will have a convenient recipe submission form for you to download shortly. Watch for it. In the meantime, start thinking about what you’d like to share (and eat) with your neighbors.

The recipe above is baked feta with capers, red onion, garlic, chili flake and olive oil. It was scrumptious!


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