A wonderful opportunity for you and your neighborhood is about to take place. A special evening about Asset-Based Community Development Training with Dr. John McKnight, the founder of ABCD will occur on March 25th, 6.00-8.30pm at the Arlington Library.
We’ve made a collective commitment as the RNP Board to support 26 in 26 as the primary way we are going about the work of building capacity for and increasing neighborhood quality of life. In order to do that, we need to be present and engaged in this training.
If you have questions, you can contact me, or better yet, contact Yvette Sennewald (who is way smarter than I am about this stuff).
Again, RSVP to Yvette (ysennewald@riversideca.gov) as soon as possible, so that we can get an accurate count for materials, and also because Arlington Library space is limited. Also, feel free to reach out to persons on your contact and invite them to this training. Space is limited, but I’d like to see a standing room only crowd at this event. Let’s get community development and neighborhood leaders in the room and grow a city-wide network of leaders committed to organizing for neighborhood quality of life.
I hope to see each of you at the Arlington Library, March 25th at 6pm.