Support Underground Power Lines Sign The Petition

Riverside Deserves Better

Please open the link below and ADD YOUR NAME TO THE PETITION to underground the RTRP Transmission lines…One click is all it takes to share your voice – and to ask your friends and neighbors to do likewise. This is our stewardship opportunity for Riverside’s future.

“Frankenstein Towers” or Protecting Hidden Valley and Living in Paradise? It’s time to have your say in the matter.

High Power Transmission Line TowerHidden Valley Nature PreserveHidden Valley Equestrian Trail Rivers

STEM HS EIR Public Meeting

Woman's upper body holding a microphone attached to a lecternIf you live in the University neighborhood and you care about neighborhood quality of life, then Tuesday, April 16th’s meeting 5:30-8:00 pm, at the Courtyard Marriott 1510 University Ave. is where you need to show up and speak your mind for the record.

Rich Davis has been actively following the STEM project. He along with other neighbors have reviewed the EIR and have pointed out significant deficiencies, that if left unchallenged, or unvoiced by us, will be at our future peril. Here’s what you need to know:

We need your bodies Tuesday Evening. We’d love your voice for the record if you are so inclined. It is your right to speak. You may also write a letter. If you do, here are some thoughts to consider and where to send your comments. Thank you Rich.

The nearly 2,000 page Environmental Impact Report  (EIR) has been reviewed by several community members. The EIR failed to give an accurate reporting on its findings and is misleading as to the negative impact this project will have on our community. Here are some of the problems in the report:


  • 153 parking spaces are allocated:

    • 60 are reserved for staff.

    • 6 for ADA-compliant spaces.

    • 25 for electric vehicle charging.

    • This means only 62 spaces will be available for student parking, for a school that claims to be able to enroll 1,200 students.

  • There is no available parking on Linden, Blaine, Canyon Crest, Rustin, or the surrounding neighborhoods to  accommodate the additional spaces for students to park.

  • The report falsely implies the majority of students will use buses (or ride bicycles, an even more ludicrous claim given that the student body is projected to be drawn evenly from across the entire RUSD), so additional student parking was not addressed in the report.


  • A traffic study was done on November 30, 2021 (a Tuesday) from noon-2pm. According to the study, an average of 760 vehicles traveled on Blaine and 332 cars on Canyon Crest in a one hour period in the middle of the day. As alarming as these numbers appear, this reporting was done during COVID lockdowns when students, including UCR students, were mostly doing online schooling and many people were still working from home. There appears to be no updated reporting since 2021 and no reference of potential traffic reduction due to COVID restrictions.

  • The data from the traffic study was collected between noon and 2:00pm, totally disregarding commuters from the surrounding neighborhoods using Blaine St. to reach or return from the freeway during the time school (and the workday) starts and ends.

  • The report mentions the construction of the new 1,600-student UCR dorm currently being built on the corner across from the proposed school site, but has no mention of the impact the dorm and school would have on traffic on Blaine/Canyon Crest.

  • The report lists the nearly 300-unit apartment complex being built next to Stater Bros. on Iowa, with housing for nearly 1,000 people within a half-mile of the school. However, the EIR fails to consider the impact this will have on the traffic at the corner of Iowa and Blaine.

  • It appears the entrance and exit into the school will be off of Canyon Crest for parent drop off/pick up, and parking just before lot 26. The proposal is to put a traffic light at this location. Canyon Crest is a one lane street going both directions with bike lanes and street parking. Anyone who has ever attempted to drop off or pick up a student knows that huge lines of cars queue up waiting to get to or from a school. The proposed school will be a commuter school, guaranteeing that this dropoff and pickup traffic will be even heavier, totally blocking Canyon Crest and impeding traffic on Blaine with an undoubtedly long line of cars and buses. This is not addressed in the report other than stating that students will take buses and other transportation like a bike.

  • The report states that 10 buses will drop off students at 8:00am, 10 buses will pick up part time students at 12:30pm, and 10 buses will pick up the remainder at 3:30pm. No mitigation is described for the  adverse air quality or impact to traffic of 30 bus trips to the school (in addition to the RTA buses running down Canyon Crest).

  • The nearly 250 high school students attending the current STEM Academy rarely use the buses provided, preferring parent pick up and drop off resulting in long lines on Watkins and traffic congestion on Mt. Vernon.


  • The report states the joint use agreement with UCR and the Riverside city government ends in 2027 with no discussion on the possibility of renewing this agreement. These fields are the only Park/Rec fields we have in our community that can accommodate a variety of uses, including lighting.

  • The report implies that the fields are rarely used by UCR students and the community, and therefore losing the fields will have no direct impact. It clearly states those wanting to play baseball, softball, or soccer can go to Highland Park, Islander Park, Patterson Park, and the Stratton Center. NONE of these facilities are equipped to accommodate these sports. The report even suggests that these intramural sport teams could simply pay to rent the facilities at North High, Highland Elementary, and/or University Heights Middle.

  • This intramural field is only one of two on the UCR campus for a student population approaching 30,000 and growing. The report doesn’t address the fact that 1,600 dorm students who will be living right across the street have the potential of increasing its usage.


  • The EIR must address comments made at public meetings and names are included in the EIR. Astonishingly, this EIR states that this project will have no substantial adverse impact on the community. Time and again the justification noted is found to be inaccurate, misleading and lacking critical information to render its conclusion.

It has been a couple of years since our community came together to strongly voice our objections to this project. We must continue to voice our objections by attending a special meeting:

Tuesday, April 16   5:30-8:00pm 

Courtyard Marriott  1510 University Ave.  

Those wanting to speak will be limited to 2-3 minutes. If you wish to be heard, it will be best to read a statement.

If unable to attend you can send a letter to Stephanie Tang1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507 or submit online at

UNA April 2024 Meeting Agenda

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                     10 min.

2. City Manager Mike Frutell        Q&A               60 min.

3. Announcements Updates:                                   20 min

UCR,  RUSD, Council, Planning Comm

Neighborhood  Resources

Follow Our Courts

US Covid Atlas

Riverside Neighborhood Partnership

Neighbors Better Together

RUSD STEM Center Draft EIR Notice of Completion/Notice of Availability


Pursuant to the State of California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21091(a) and Sections 15085 and 15087 of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA Guidelines), the University of California, Riverside (UCR) has released for public review a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Center.

The Draft EIR is available for viewing at the UCR Planning, Design & Construction (PD&C) office located at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507; at the RUSD Planning, and Development Office located at 3070 Washington Street Riverside, CA 92504; at the Riverside Main Library located at 3900 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501; and available for downloading on the UCR PD&C Environmental Planning website: (Scroll down to Completed CEQA and NEPA Documents, RUSD STEM Education Center).

Project Overview:

The proposed project entails development of an approximately 80,000 gross-square-foot, three-story, approximately 50-foot-tall school facility that would contain classrooms, lecture facilities, a multi-use discovery center, a fabrication lab, food service, a fitness center, administrative offices, outdoor learning areas, landscape, hardscape, and associated site improvements.

The proposed project is expected to serve a capacity of approximately 800 students at any given time, approximately 1,200 students daily (400 full-time and 800 part-time), and approximately 60 faculty and staff. Upon completion of the proposed project, students in grades 9 through 12 that are currently enrolled at the existing STEM facility at the former Hyatt Elementary School site would be relocated to the proposed STEM Education Center while the existing Hyatt Elementary School would continue to serve grades 5 through 8.

The proposed project would also involve a variety of associated modifications to existing facilities and infrastructure to accommodate site development, including removal of the existing open recreational fields (two baseball diamonds, bleachers, lighting), decommissioning and relocation of the existing T-Mobile Cell Tower, relocation/replacement of on-site utilities, installation of an electrical feeder line upgrade (approximately 1,900 linear feet) located within the public rights-of-way of Canyon Crest Drive and Blaine Street, and installation of an approximately 175-foot-long extension of an existing sewer line in Canyon Crest Drive to the southeastern corner of the project site.

Environmental Effects:

Implementation of the proposed project would result in environmental impacts, on the following environmental resource areas: aesthetics, biological resources, cultural resources, geology/soils, hazards and hazardous materials, noise, transportation, tribal cultural resources, and wildfire.

The proposed project would also result in less than significant impacts, with no mitigation required, related to the following environmental issue areas: air quality, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, hydrology/water quality, land use/planning, population/housing, public services, recreation, and utilities/service systems.

The proposed project would also result in no impacts related to the following environmental issue areas: agriculture/forestry resources and mineral resources.

Hazardous Materials/Waste Disclosure:

There are no hazardous waste facilities or sites within the project site included on the lists of sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.

Document Availability & Review Period:

A copy of the Draft EIR is available for viewing at the addresses noted above, or for downloading on the UCR Planning, Design & Construction Environmental Planning website:; at the UCR Planning, Design & Construction Office located at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507; at the Riverside Unified School Facilities, Planning, and Development Office located at 3070 Washington Street Riverside, CA 92504; and at the Riverside Main Library located at 3900 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501.

The 45-day public review period for the Draft EIR begins on March 18, 2024, and ends on May 2, 2024. Comments must be received in writing no later than 5:00 PM on May 2, 2024. Your name should be included with your comments. Please send your written comments to the attention of Stephanie Tang at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507 with the subject line titled STEM Education Center. Comments can also be submitted via email to the following address: Comments must also be received no later than 5:00 PM on May 2, 2024.

Public Hearing to Provide Comments:

A public meeting will be held by the University during the public review period. The meeting will be held in person on April 16, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Courtyard by Marriott located at 1510 University Avenue Riverside, CA 92507.

The public hearing will also be available via live feed link: on the day and time of the public hearing noted above. Please note that public comments would not be available via the live feed and members of the public could provide comments either in person at the public hearing or via email to or mailed to 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507.

A recorded version of the public hearing meeting will be posted on the UCR Planning, Design & Construction Environmental Planning website under “Community Meetings”: and via the following link: after the public hearing date. If you have any questions regarding this Notice of Completion/Notice of Availability (NOC)/(NOA), please contact Stephanie Tang at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507 or via email at

For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact us at (951) 827-1484 or Requests should be made a week prior to the public hearing so that the university has sufficient time to arrange reasonable accommodations.

A copy of the NOC/NOA is also attached. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing the document or have any questions pertaining to the proposed project or Draft EIR document.

Warm Regards,

Denise Davis (she/her/hers)
Assistant Director of Advocacy and Institutional Relations

Office of Governmental & Community Relations

Leave A Voicemail At CPUC – Underground RTRP – Voting Thursday

Hi Power Transmission Tower

The CPUC is voting Thurs. Mar 21st whether or not to underground the RTRP.  This is a pivotal moment to take action and share the call to action. Your voice for your future.

What can I do to support undergrounding the RTRP?

  • Email the Commissioners

    • If the link above does not work correctly, copy the following email addresses into a new email and use subject “Proceeding A1504013 – Underground RTRP”
  • Call and provide one minute of public comment at this week’s upcoming CPUC meeting

  • What To Say

Subject: “Proceeding A1504013 – Underground RTRP”

Dear Commissioners,

I am asking that you accept Norco’s Petition for further consideration to underground the RTRP (Riverside Transmission Reliability Project).

I WANT THIS PROJECT UNDERGROUND; I do not want overhead transmission lines for the following reasons:

  • This area is designated as a high fire zone
  • This would go through a Wildlife Nature Habitat
  • This would negatively impact a socioeconomically disadvantaged population (~ 82% Hispanic families) affecting their:
    • Generational Wealth
    • Their property value
    • Their quality of life
  • Towers that reach almost 200’ would impede helicopters and small planes from fighting fires with retardants subjecting residents to property loss and loss of lives
  • This land is used for the “recreation and enjoyment of the people” as this land was purchased with State Funding through California Department of Fish & Wildlife

There are more reasons than there is time for you to read, please know that Riverside residents, Norco residents, Jurupa Valley residents, Eastvale residents, and many more DO NOT WANT OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES.

Please review the entire comment file on this project. Almost all our elected officials have voiced their support for undergrounding this project.

(your name)

How do I learn more about the City of Norco’s request to underground the RTRP?

UNA March 2024 Meeting Agenda

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                       5 min.

2. UCR Updates                                                              10 min

3. Ward 2 Council Updates                                      20 min

4. RUSD Update – Rich Davis                                  10 min

5. Open Planning Commission Ward 2

6. Parks Ad Hoc Report                                              10 min

7. RTRP Public Comments                                          5 min

8. Save Market Match

Speaker Ideas for 2024                                               20 min

Neighborhood  Resources

Follow Our Courts

US Covid Atlas

Riverside Neighborhood Partnership

Neighbors Better Together

Judge Rules Against NORCO Pettition To Underground RTRP

Hi Power Transmission Tower

 THE CPUC MEETS TOMORROW, Thursday Feb 15th, 11 a.m.

IN ORANGE COUNTY and can reverse the Judge’s decision

PLEASE CAN CALL IN – Your Voice Is Needed. Details Below

Date: 02/15/2024
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: 100 Civic Center Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630;

also available via webcast or phone

Call-in-Number: (800) 857-1917
Participant PASSCODE: 9899501#
Contact: or call (415) 703-5263

Additional information including agenda can be found here.

Providing Public Comments:

If you would like to speak during the public comment period at the start of the meeting, you may comment in-person or participate by phone. We encourage you to call in or sign-up by 11 a.m. however you may make a public comment until the public comment period has ended.

Reminder: parties to a proceeding cannot speak to issues related to the proceeding to which they are a party, nor can the public comment on matters outside the CPUC’s jurisdiction or on adjudicatory matters.

Phone line:


  • If you are attending in-person and wish to make a public comment, please sign-up at the Public Advisor’s table.
  • To make a comment by phone, dial 1-800-857-1917 and enter the passcode for the English or Spanish phone line, as indicated above. To make a public comment, unmute your phone, and press *1 (star one) when prompted by the operator. Once you press *1 you will be prompted to state your name and/or organization, please do so slowly and clearly. The operator will call on you when it is your turn to speak.

If you experience difficulty calling into the Public Comment line, please send an email to or call (415) 703-1496

Additional information on public comments and voting meetings can be found here.

Talking Points:

RE: A.15-04-013 – Full undergrounding of Riverside Transmission Reliability Project as proposed by Petition from the City of Norco in Riverside County

Edison has distributed false information about this project to everyone, including the City of Riverside. Such as:
1. The cost, Edison overstated the cost to be ~4.7 times greater, this was confirmed by an
independent consultant hired by Riverside and confirmed by Edison rep at a CC meeting
2. Edison misrepresented the additional time to build underground by almost 5 fold or greater which caused the City of Riverside to not consider underground in the initial
EIR…confirmed at city council meeting with both Edison Rep and Consultant hired by city in attendance.
3. Edison told the City of Riverside they were shovel ready…not true as the easements to build have not been purchased and one land owner was at the city council meeting and said he has made no arrangements to sell his property for an easement.
4. The fire risk; Edison has said the fire risk is minimal at best, this is a 2 Tier Fire rated area, possibly soon to be rated a 3 Tier Fire area
5. Governor Newsom signed legislation in 2023 declaring that NO OVERHEAD transmission lines will be built in California due to the fire risk. Edison is pushing to go forward as the project was approved prior to this safety legislation being signed.
6. Riverside residents DO NOT WANT overhead transmission lines
7. These lines are behind homes
8. These lines would go through a wildlife habitat
9. Norco residents do not want overhead transmission lines
10.Jurupa Valley did not want overhead transmission lines and the CPUC allowed Jurupa Valley to do a supplemental EIR and the CPUC voted to have Edison UNDERGROUND
the lines through Jurupa Valley, a contiguous neighbor of Riverside

 Project will not cost a “billion dollars”
 Project is not shovel ready
 The project regardless of above or below ground will be spread out over every rate payer in the state – either way will cost approximately $1.00 additional per year. (Cal
Strategies: Steve Larson & Hope Christman/CPUC)
 We will be petitioning for the entire length of line: under river, Norco, County, La Sierra
(we are correcting the press release)
 No Riverside residents’ rates will go up more then a dollar per year due to this project
 Norco has hired the same attorney and consultant who undergrounded Jurupa Valley and Chino Hills
 Undergrounding in the EIR was deemed the superior way to go but it was not explored.
 In the short term undergrounding disturbs the area but in the long term is better for the environment
 When high transmission lines go up, it impedes the ability for helicopters to drop water on fires – that is exactly what saved Norco during the two large fires on our SW and SE quadrant – without those helicopters Norco would have been in trouble.
 The center of Norco is rated highest for fire danger.
 The river bottom is an urban forest – the EIR downplays the vegetation
 The EIR was completed prior to the devastating Paradise Fire, Norco’s two major fires and Lahaina.
 The Santa Ana winds reach a higher wind speed than the hurricane winds that caused the Lahaina fire.

UNA February 2024 Meeting Agenda

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                       5 min.

2. UCR Updates                                                              10 min

3. Ward 2 Council Updates                                      20 min

4. RUSD Update – Rich Davis                                  10 min

5. Parks Ad Hoc Report                                              10 min

6. City Manager Mike Futrell – March Guest TBD

Speaker Ideas for 2024                                               20 min

Neighborhood  Resources

Follow Our Courts

US Covid Atlas

Riverside Neighborhood Partnership

Neighbors Better Together

UNA January 2024 Meeting Agenda

Map and Directions To Crest Community Church
3431 Mt Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

1. Welcome – Introductions                                       5 min.

2. UCR Updates                                                              10 min

3. Ward 2 Council Updates                                      20 min

4. Speaker Ideas for 2024                                         20 min

Neighborhood  Resources

Follow Our Courts

US Covid Atlas

Riverside Neighborhood Partnership

Neighbors Better Together

Leave A Voicemail At CPUC – Underground RTRP

Hi Power Transmission Tower

Your voice is needed. I am making an appeal for you to make a phone call and leave a voicemail. Or, write a letter.

If you Call: (You can do both!)


  • #1 for English
  • #4 to comment and include the Utility Company name and the proceeding number   RE: A.15-04-013, Edison, Riverside Transmission Reliability Project
  • Your comment will be given to every commissioner reviewing the petition.
    • Give the hearing # A.15-04-013 Riverside Transmission Reliability Project
    • Give your position, such as:  “I want you to approve the City of Norco’s petition to underground this project:”

The voicemail and  letter can be as short as you would like.  I recommend keeping a voicemail and letter short. Say this:

“My name is ________, and I am asking the CPUC to approve Norco’s petition to underground the Riverside Transmission Reliability Project.  RE: A.15-04-013 – Full undergrounding of Riverside Transmission Reliability Project as proposed by Petition from the City of Norco in Riverside County.”

 Say anything you would like after that, but end with the same request!  Use any of the letter points in your voicemail if you like.

RTRP Route Map

If you can do more, Write a letter to the CPUC;  Use the sample letter. Send a word doc to Sharon Mateja,

She will forward to the City of Norco to scan them on Monday and forward them on our behalf to the CPUC.  Or, Mail it yourself.

We need a data set filled with community voices. Spread the word. This is a short and sweet moment to make a difference.  The review starts Tuesday Nov 14th. Your voice will determine the legacy we leave future residents


Sample Letter Text

Alice Bushing Reynolds, President

Genevieve Shiroma, Commissioner

Darcie L. Hauck, Commissioner

John Reynolds, Commissioner

Karen Douglas, Commissioner

505 Van Ness Ave.

San Francisco, CA 94102


RE: A.15-04-013 – Full undergrounding of Riverside Transmission Reliability Project as proposed by Petition from the City of Norco in Riverside County

Dear Madame President and Commissioners:

I write this letter in support of fully undergrounding the Riverside Transmission Reliability Project (RTRP). While I recognize the need for a transmission project in our county, I want to urge the Commission to re-evaluate its prior decisions in this matter and require the undergrounding of the project.

Since the last review by the Commission, much has changed that demands undergrounding of the project. Most significant among these new factors are the rapidly expanding threats from wildfires in the region. Fighting wildfires in California has become one of the major undertakings for our state and local communities. Overhead transmission lines will limit the firefighters from using planes and helicopters to fight the fires. And, these air attack resources are critical to stopping the spread of wildfires. Even worse, overhead transmission lines can be the cause of these conflagrations.

Earlier in your deliberations, you decided to underground a portion of the RTRP because of its impact on poorer neighborhoods in Riverside County. Jurupa Valley was wise enough to pursue this with the Commission, and it is time for the Commission to realize that these same issues exist in other areas now scheduled for aerial transmission lines. Please underground the RTRP through these areas of our county, as well.

One final thought—Southern California Edison (SCE) has made much of the impact of the RTRP project on ratepayers of the county. As you know, however, this is not nearly as impactful as described by SCE. The costs of undergrounding this project are spread among the ratepayers in the service area of the ISO, not just the territory of SCE. Please do not be blindsided by SCE’s assertions in this matter.

In conclusion, please support the undergrounding of the RTRP in Riverside County. Thank you,

(Sign Name Here)