Tag Archives: Measure C Tax Uncertified

Riverside improperly held electricity tax election, judge rules

It looks like the old ways of doing business in Riverside are beginning to erode. Read about it here from the PE:

Referee Issuing Red Card Penalty

This decision came about because residents were forced to take legal action against some very unwise legal advice given to the City Council which makes them look complicit in trying to defraud the ratepayers.

If ever we needed an elected Inspector General, this sort of waste of public funds should be reason enough. What else is being hidden from view?

After long years of suffering under the economic development vision of “cheap dirt”, and a series of deplorable leadership decisions, feckless city managers and past councils with questionable ethics and certainly with no love of place, residents are finally demanding answers and showing a willingness to apply constant pressure on the issues that matter to all of us.

Increasing demands for closer scrutiny over decisions on how our public funds are being disbursed is beginning to pay and special interests don’t like this trend. We’re seeing a reassertion of parents and taxpayer rights to effective school bond oversight.

We can complain all we want about the fraud, waste and abuse that occurs in government, but if we don’t step in to express our thoughts, keep demanding answers, or counter the latest special interest vision with our own, residents will always get far less than we deserve from our tax dollars.  Where do you want to make the next difference in Riverside?