1. Introductions
2. Perris Valley Metrolink Update – 15.min.
There is a quiet zone scheduled in the University Neighborhood along the Perris Valley Line which will affect the crossings at Marlborough, Spruce, Blaine, and Mt. Vernon. The work required for this quiet zone will not begin until sometime next year, when the Perris Valley Line is complete. The City of Riverside will be the lead agency on the project, therefore, I will be sending out updates once the project begins.
3. UCR Update – Jeff Kraus 15 min.
4. UNET Report – Celeste Neiman 15 min
5. Blaine Street Speed Limit 15 min.
Blaine Street is classified as an arterial roadway and requires a Traffic and Engineering Survey to establish the speed limit. Attached is copy of the existing speed survey on file for Blaine between Mt. Vernon and the 60 Freeway which shows that the recommended 40 MPH speed limit was reduced from the 45 MPH 85th% speed results from this survey . Note that the survey was taken in August of 2008 and will expire this year, thus we will be resurveying the street sometime this month. Neither the roadway geometrics or circulation element has changed in the area and Public Works doesn’t foresee a change to the speed limit with the new survey. Nonetheless, we will be happy to keep you informed of the results of the upcoming survey.
The speed feedback sign now on Watkins Drive was recently relocated from Canyon Crest Drive due to traffic signal installations along Canyon Crest Drive. These devices are typically used to enhance driver awareness of their speed on streets with demonstrated speeding problems and because they are costly they are often utilized after other alternatives have been unsuccessful in addressing a speeding issue and budget allows for the purchase and installation costs.
The vast majority of the speed feedback signs in place throughout the City were grant funded and were required to be placed on non-federally funded streets. We can certainly start with requesting enforcement which is an initial tool if you can please let us know the peak time frames that you are noticing speeding and the specific area along Blaine.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. We will await your response regarding the speeding before we request enforcement.
Sincerely, Dawna Fuller Engineering Technician Traffic Engineering Division Public Works Department City of Riverside (951) 826-5907 dfuller@riversideca.gov
Blaine Between Mt. Vernon & Fwy 60 8-7-08
6. Watkins Drive Clean Up – Sat. June 20th, 8 a.m.
Meet At Piccacho and Watkins Dr.
Wear sturdy shoes, bring water bottles.
7. Ag Park City Council June 23rd
8. Call For Drought Tolerant Plants for Mt. Vernon & Big Springs Median Makeovers
Contact Gurumantra gkhalsa@NutritionNews.com or 951-640-3868
9. National Night Out – Tuesday August 4th, Islander Park Pool
Potluck – Pool Party. Discovering Neighborhood Treasures