February 5th – The Scott Gardens
These exciting gardens sit on 1.5 sloping acres at the foot of the Box Springs Mountains. Done in a casual Mediterranean style with several lovely fountains and a special sunset niche, the gardens presentation is lovely and the views are spectacular. Tandy and Starke’s citrus trees are producing right now so along with a mini-brunch, there is lots of fruit to taste.
Tandy talks with you about her gardens and gardening experiences while Van Brandon of Parkview Nursery on Chicago gives tips on winter vegetable gardening.
The Starke garden is at the end of Blaine St. Look for the sign.
Time: 9:30 am to 12 noon.
Fee: $30 for Friends Of the Botanic Gardens
$35 for Non Members (Unfriendly?)
Questions or RSVP to 951-784-6962 or ucrbg@ucr.edu