Pursuant to the State of California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21091(a) and Sections 15085 and 15087 of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA Guidelines), the University of California, Riverside (UCR) has released for public review a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Center.
The Draft EIR is available for viewing at the UCR Planning, Design & Construction (PD&C) office located at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507; at the RUSD Planning, and Development Office located at 3070 Washington Street Riverside, CA 92504; at the Riverside Main Library located at 3900 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501; and available for downloading on the UCR PD&C Environmental Planning website: https://pdc.ucr.edu/environmental-planning-ceqa (Scroll down to Completed CEQA and NEPA Documents, RUSD STEM Education Center).
Project Overview:
The proposed project entails development of an approximately 80,000 gross-square-foot, three-story, approximately 50-foot-tall school facility that would contain classrooms, lecture facilities, a multi-use discovery center, a fabrication lab, food service, a fitness center, administrative offices, outdoor learning areas, landscape, hardscape, and associated site improvements.
The proposed project is expected to serve a capacity of approximately 800 students at any given time, approximately 1,200 students daily (400 full-time and 800 part-time), and approximately 60 faculty and staff. Upon completion of the proposed project, students in grades 9 through 12 that are currently enrolled at the existing STEM facility at the former Hyatt Elementary School site would be relocated to the proposed STEM Education Center while the existing Hyatt Elementary School would continue to serve grades 5 through 8.
The proposed project would also involve a variety of associated modifications to existing facilities and infrastructure to accommodate site development, including removal of the existing open recreational fields (two baseball diamonds, bleachers, lighting), decommissioning and relocation of the existing T-Mobile Cell Tower, relocation/replacement of on-site utilities, installation of an electrical feeder line upgrade (approximately 1,900 linear feet) located within the public rights-of-way of Canyon Crest Drive and Blaine Street, and installation of an approximately 175-foot-long extension of an existing sewer line in Canyon Crest Drive to the southeastern corner of the project site.
Environmental Effects:
Implementation of the proposed project would result in environmental impacts, on the following environmental resource areas: aesthetics, biological resources, cultural resources, geology/soils, hazards and hazardous materials, noise, transportation, tribal cultural resources, and wildfire.
The proposed project would also result in less than significant impacts, with no mitigation required, related to the following environmental issue areas: air quality, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, hydrology/water quality, land use/planning, population/housing, public services, recreation, and utilities/service systems.
The proposed project would also result in no impacts related to the following environmental issue areas: agriculture/forestry resources and mineral resources.
Hazardous Materials/Waste Disclosure:
There are no hazardous waste facilities or sites within the project site included on the lists of sites enumerated under Government Code Section 65962.5.
Document Availability & Review Period:
A copy of the Draft EIR is available for viewing at the addresses noted above, or for downloading on the UCR Planning, Design & Construction Environmental Planning website: https://pdc.ucr.edu/environmental-planning-ceqa; at the UCR Planning, Design & Construction Office located at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507; at the Riverside Unified School Facilities, Planning, and Development Office located at 3070 Washington Street Riverside, CA 92504; and at the Riverside Main Library located at 3900 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501.
The 45-day public review period for the Draft EIR begins on March 18, 2024, and ends on May 2, 2024. Comments must be received in writing no later than 5:00 PM on May 2, 2024. Your name should be included with your comments. Please send your written comments to the attention of Stephanie Tang at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507 with the subject line titled STEM Education Center. Comments can also be submitted via email to the following address: CEQA@ucr.edu. Comments must also be received no later than 5:00 PM on May 2, 2024.
Public Hearing to Provide Comments:
A public meeting will be held by the University during the public review period. The meeting will be held in person on April 16, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Courtyard by Marriott located at 1510 University Avenue Riverside, CA 92507.
The public hearing will also be available via live feed link: on the day and time of the public hearing noted above. Please note that public comments would not be available via the live feed and members of the public could provide comments either in person at the public hearing or via email to CEQA@ucr.edu or mailed to 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507.
A recorded version of the public hearing meeting will be posted on the UCR Planning, Design & Construction Environmental Planning website under “Community Meetings”: https://pdc.ucr.edu/environmental-planning-ceqa and via the following link: after the public hearing date. If you have any questions regarding this Notice of Completion/Notice of Availability (NOC)/(NOA), please contact Stephanie Tang at 1223 University Avenue Suite 240 Riverside, CA 92507 or via email at CEQA@ucr.edu.
For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact us at (951) 827-1484 or CEQA@ucr.edu. Requests should be made a week prior to the public hearing so that the university has sufficient time to arrange reasonable accommodations.
A copy of the NOC/NOA is also attached. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing the document or have any questions pertaining to the proposed project or Draft EIR document.
Warm Regards,
Denise Davis (she/her/hers)
Assistant Director of Advocacy and Institutional Relations
Office of Governmental & Community Relations